Frequently Asked Questions
Who can join the Twin Valley Mountain Biking Team?
Twin Valley students in grades 6-12. Riders must reside in the district AND be enrolled in Twin Valley Middle School or Twin Valley High School. For students within the district that attend another school program, we do have a Twin Valley Mountain Biking Composite Team.
Is prior mountain biking experience necessary?
No, prior mountain bike experience is not required. If you can ride a bike, you can be part of the team. Nobody sits on the bench! All student athletes are assessed and placed into rider groups based on skill and fitness level. Each group will receive training and instruction based on the skill level of the group with the goal to advance riding skills and fitness. Student athletes may move to different riding groups throughout the season based on progression and skill proficiency.
What are the coaches' qualifications?
We have coaches with a broad range of experience; some ride competitively, some just for fun. Coaches are accredited by the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA) and are recognized by the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Cycling League (PICL). Coaches have passed security clearances and have had training in concussion awareness and detection. Several are certified in First Aid & CPR. Coaches are sufficiently knowledgeable to be a positive influence on student athletes. More information regarding the NICA coaching philosophy and requirements can be found here.
Is the Twin Valley Mountain Biking Team insured?
YES! As a member of the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA) the team, coaches, and registered riders receive General Liability umbrella insurance. Coverage is inclusive for all official team activities that take place during the official season including practices, races, clinics, and official team events.
Can I participate in another sport and be a part of the Twin Valley Mountain Biking Team?
Student athletes may participate in more than one sport within the same season, however the responsibility is on the student to balance academics and extracurricular activities. Student athletes are encouraged to attend as many practices as possible. The team’s goals are to provide riders with skills for safe, confident riding.
Do I have to race to be part of the team?
Racing is optional. A goal of the Twin Valley Mountain Biking Team is to introduce the sport of mountain biking to all kids in a fun, challenging, and rewarding way. All student athletes are encouraged to race, but racing is not required. All race finishes help the team in cumulative points - so every rider makes a difference!
When is the season?
The official season runs from July 1st through mid-November. Additionally the team may have six (6) team events prior to the start of the season. Practices are scheduled 3-4x weekly throughout the season (2-3 weeknights and Saturday mornings). Races are usually 5-6 weekend dates between September and October. On race weekends additional voluntary events may often occur.
How much does it cost to be part of the team?
Please see our Join Now page for information on team, league, and race fees as well as the TVMTB Rider Scholarship Program.
What are team practices like?
Practices are split up into smaller groups based on rider ability. This supports:
Learning at a rider's individual pace
More focused attention of the coach(es)
More efficiency within the smaller rider group
Some practices will focus on specific technical skills, while others will focus on speed, endurance, etc.
What are races like?
Race weekends are amazing adventures… exploring new trails throughout PA and making new friends.
Race weekends are high quality, professionally-produced events bringing all the teams across the state to one location. There will be pre-rides to become familiar with the trails with race categories based on age and skill with girls and boys in separate waves alternating throughout the day.
As the league grows, race weekends are adjusted to accommodate all of the riders and spectators. Events have ranged from over 1000 riders and 1500 spectators. Expect to hear a lot of horns and cowbells along the sidelines cheering you on.
Event information is shared and updated on the PICL website throughout the season and is also communicated at the team level. For full information on NICA races, click here.
Do you have other questions?
Check out our Resources page for information on bike gear and other useful links. Please contact us at twinvalleymtb@gmail.com if you have further questions.